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1 Big Mistake Pickleball Instructors Make In Their Teaching Business

In this blog post, discover what major mistake Pickleball instructors make in their business.

Intro -

Hey Pickleball Coaches!

This will be a quick read but will be very important for your business.

Take Payment Before Service

One of the biggest mistakes I see all the time is Pickleball instructors DO NOT take payment before the service. This immediately puts them at a risk of losing participation potentially leading to a program that is not cost effective.

Risks On What Could And Will Happen When You Don't Take Payment

Potential Loss In Program

Not Cost Effective

People will RSVP but will NO SHOW on you

Not Professional

What Are Some Advantages Of Taking Payment Before Service

More Value To The Client

Clients Will View This As More Professional

You Can Make Sure Your Class Makes

You Will Have The Money To Buy Additional Equipment If Needed

You Will Be Able to Identify Quality Clients


As I said before, this is a very quick read but very important. It does not matter if your new or a seasoned Pickleball pro, the best move is to take payment before service.

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